Page 9 - Endocube Presentation
P. 9

Extract from Bristol University Report


• Fitting the EndoCube to the cabinet had minimal effects on

temperatures of test packs. In the tests the temperature of

test packs rose by up to 0.3°C when the EndoCube was fitted

but the cabinet still operated within the M1 specification.

• The major influence of fitting the EndoCube was in reducing the

energy consumed by the cabinet by 13% in both the door closed

and door opening tests. Assuming usage similar to the door

openings test regime the EndoCube would save 180 kWh/year.

• The number of compressor starts per hour was also reduced from

8.9/h with the door closed and 8.5/h with the door opened

without the EndoCube to 3.1/h with the EndoCube fitted.
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